What is Liberation Is not the sense of ‘I’ natural to all beings, expressed in all their feelings as ‘I came’, ‘I went’, ‘I did’, or ‘I was’? On questioning what this is, we find that the body is identified with ‘I’ because movements and similar functions pertain to the body. Can the body […]
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Category: Words of Grace
Pearls of Wisdom
Pearls of Wisdom There are not two minds, one good and the other evil. It is only the vasanas or tendencies of the mind that are of two kinds, good and favourable, evil and unfavourable. When the mind is associated with the former it is called good; and when associated with the latter it is called […]
What is required is Self-Enquiry
What is required is Self-Enquiry Not from any desire, resolve or effort on the part of the rising sun, but merely due to the presence of his rays, the lens emits heat, the lotus blossoms, water evaporates, and people attend to their various duties in life. In the proximity of the magnet the needle […]
Self is Bliss; Happiness is Within
Self is Bliss; Happiness is Within That which is Bliss is also the Self. Bliss and the Self are not distinct and separate but are one and the same. And That alone is real. In no single one of the countless objects of the mundane world is there anything that can be called happiness. […]
The Supreme will bear it all
The Supreme will bear it all God and the Guru are not really different; they are identical. He that has earned the Grace of the Guru shall undoubtedly be saved and never forsaken…But the disciple, for his part, should unswervingly follow the path shown by the Master. Firm and disciplined inherence in the Atman […]
Carry on Meditation zealously
Carry on Meditation zealously However sinful a person may be, if he would stop wailing inconsolably: ‘Alas! I am a sinner, how shall I attain Liberation?’ and, casting away even the thought that he is a sinner, if he would zealously carry on meditation on the Self, he would most assuredly get reformed. So long […]
Methods for Quietening the Mind
Methods for Quietening the Mind For the subsidence of mind there is no other means more effective and adequate than Self-enquiry. Even though by other means the mind subsides, that is only apparently so; it will rise again. For instance, the mind subsides by the practice of pranayama (restraint and control of breath and […]
What is Silence ?
What is Silence? It is only when the subtle mind is externalized through the activity of the intellect and the sense-organs that gross name and form constituting the world appear. When, on the other hand, the mind stays firmly in the Heart, they recede and disappear. Restraint of the out-going mind and its absorption in […]
How to quieten the Mind ?
How to quieten the Mind ? The first and foremost of all the thoughts that arise in the mind is the primal ‘I’-thought. It is only after the rise or origin of the ‘I’-thought that innumerable other thoughts arise. In other words, only after the first personal pronoun, ‘I’, has arisen, do the second and […]
What is the Mind ?
What is the Mind ? Sri Ramana Maharshi Words of Grace Who am I ? What is the Mind ? If the mind, which is the instrument of knowledge and is the basis of all activity, subsides, the perception of the world as an objective reality ceases. Unless the illusory perception of the serpent in […]
Who Am I ?
Who Am I? Sri Ramana Maharshi Words of Grace Who am I ? Who Am I ? EVERY living being longs always to be happy, untainted by sorrow; and everyone has the greatest love for himself, which is solely due to the fact that happiness is his real nature. Hence, in order to realise that […]