Talks with Ramana Maharshi (Special Topics) These are some special topics using the Teachings from Talks from Maharshi book. Apart from the Teachings, some explanations have been added.
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Category: Conversations
Meditation and Life are intermingled. Meditation is Life and Vice Versa. When one meditates or attends to worldly matters, Sri Ramana Maharshi asks us to never lose sight of our Real Self. He implores us to constantly enquire “Who Am I?” and realize that one is not the limited Ego or “I” thought, but the Real “I” that is unlimited. Reading again and again His teachings and dialogues, and contemplating on them frees the mind from deeply ingrained habits and heavy burdens. These conversations with devotees or visitors, enlighten us gradually give us Happiness, Peace of Mind and eventually enables us to know the Real Self as Eternal Being-Consciousness-Bliss.
Talks with Ramana Maharshi (Random Order...
Talks with Ramana Maharshi (Random Order) These are Talks offered in random order from the Book, based on the importance of the topic.
Talks with Ramana Maharshi (Numerical Or...
Talks with Ramana Maharshi (Numerical Order) These are Talks offered in numerical order as presented in the Book.