What is Sat-Chit-Ananda? (Being-Consciousness-Bliss) Talks with Ramana Maharshi ======== Talk 25. Sri B. V. Narasimha Swami asked: Who am I? How is it to be found? M.: Ask yourself the question. The body (annamaya kosa) and its functions are not ‘I’. Going deeper, the mind (manomaya kosa) and its functions are not ‘I’. The next […]
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Category: Faith, Heart, Grace, Reality
The Teachings of Ramana Maharshi in these areas of Faith, Heart, Grace and Reality are presented in this Category. What is Faith? Is this Heart the physical organ or more profound? What does Grace mean and how to get it? What is the significance of probably the most important word “Reality”? An in-depth information is provided by Bhagavan about all these topics.
What is Divine Grace? How to gain it? (4...
What is Divine Grace? How to gain it? (4) Extracts from Talks with Ramana Maharshi ~~~~~~~~ Talk 547. D.: What is the significance of Guru’s Grace in the attainment of liberation? M.: Liberation is not anywhere outside you. It is only within. If a man is anxious for Deliverance, the Guru within pulls him in and […]
What is Divine Grace? How to get it? (3)
What is Divine Grace? How to get it? (3) ~~~~~~~~ Talk 319. Mr. Sridhar, a Hindu from Goa, asked: D.: It is said, “Equanimity is yoga”. (Samatvam yoga uchyate). What is that equanimity? M.: It is unity in diversity. The universe is now seen to be diverse. See the common factor (sama) in all the […]
What is Divine Grace ? How to gain it? (...
What is Divine Grace ? How to gain it? (2) Extracts from Talks with Ramana Maharshi. ~~~~~~~~ Talk 127. The American Engineer asked: “Does distance have any effect upon Grace?” M.: Time and space are within us. You are always in your Self. How do time and space affect it? D.: In radio those who […]
What is Divine Grace? How to gain it? (1...
What is Divine Grace? How to gain it? (1) Talks with Ramana Maharshi Talk 29. On one occasion, the evening was calm and cloudy. It was drizzling occasionally and somewhat cool in consequence. Maharshi was seated as usual on the sofa. Facing him sat the devotees. … The conversation turned upon the question as to whether […]
What is Faith? Is God guiding us?
What is Faith? Is God guiding us? Ramana Maharshi provides insight into Faith. Extracts from Talks with Ramana Maharshi ~~~~~~~~ Conversation 1: A visitor asked: Sri Bhagavan said last night that God is guiding us. Then why should we make an effort to do anything? M.: Who asks you to do so? If there was […]
What is Heart? (Hridayam) It is the Real...
What is Heart? (Hridayam) It is the Reality Ramana Maharshi’s explanations and in-depth information of Heart during various conversations with devotees are given below. Even though the theme is the same, the conversations occurred at different times with different people. ======== Here are some of Maharshi’s explanations taken from a few conversations. Maharshi: Heart is usually […]