Surrender to the Higher Power and It will take over your activities and results An American gentleman, Mr. J. M. Lorey, has been staying in the Asramam for about two months. He asked: D.: I am leaving tonight. It gives me pain to tear myself away from this place. But I must go to America. […]
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Category: Talks – Random Order
These are conversations that Ramana Maharshi had with visitors and they are presented here in random order. These talks deal with very important topics that provide solutions to baffling questions relating to reconciling worldly activities and troubles with spiritual practice. They also set right certain accepted wrong beliefs about various matters.
Recognize the Force of Divine Will and K...
Recognize the Force of Divine Will and Keep Quiet Talk 594. The Spanish lady, Madam Mercedes De Acorta, has written a letter to Mr. Hague, the American mining engineer who is here as a temporary resident for the last two months. She has raised a few questions there: “If the individual Self merges into the […]
What is family bondage? How to get relea...
What is family bondage? How to get release from it? Talks with Ramana Maharshi Talk 524. A pilgrim asked: I am a man with a family. Is it possible for those in a family to get release, and if so how? Maharshi: Now what is family? Whose family is it? If the answers to these […]
Real I And False I
Real I And False I Mr. Ramamurthi: How to know the ‘Real I’ as distinct from the ‘false I’? M.: Is there anyone who is not aware of himself? Each one knows, but yet does not know, the Self. A strange paradox. The Master added later, “If the enquiry is made whether mind exists, it […]
Correlate higher with lower experience
Correlate higher with lower experience Mr. Raghaviah: How shall we correlate the higher experience with the lower experience (meaning spiritual experience with mundane affairs)? M.: There is only one experience. What are the worldly experiences but those built up on the false ‘I’? Ask the most successful man of the world if he knows his […]
Can one be Conscious without thinking
Can one Conscious without thinking Mr. Ramamurthi: Swamiji, I have read Brunton’s book A Search in Secret India, and was much impressed by the last chapter, where he says that it is possible to be conscious without thinking. I know that one can think, remaining forgetful of the physical body. Can one think without the […]
Being active while Remaining desireless
Being active while Remaining desireless The following about Being active while Remaining desireless, is taken from the diary of Annamalai Swami, a good devotee of Sri Bhagavan and resident of Sri Ramanasramam. The Teachings of Sri Ramana Bhagavan (1) That man who is active in the world and yet remains desireless, without losing sight of […]
Can Divine Names bestow merit
Can Divine Names bestow merit A visitor asked Sri Bhagavan: People give some divine names to God and say that the name is sacred and repetitions of the name bestow merit on the individual. Can it be true? M.: Why not? You bear a name to which you answer. But your body was not born with […]
Mind does not sink into the Heart
Mind does not sink into the Heart Dr. Lohara: Why does the mind not sink into the Heart even while meditating? M.: A floating body does not readily sink unless some means are adopted for making it do so. Breath-control makes the mind quiescent. The mind must be alert and meditation pursued unremittingly even when it is at […]
Trace the Ego to its Source
Trace the Ego to its Source Maharshi said to a Devotee. The fact is that the man considers himself limited and there arises the trouble. The idea is wrong. He can see it for himself. In sleep there was no world, no ego (no limited self), and no trouble. Something wakes up from that happy […]
Ego The Ghost, The Wedding Crasher
Ego – The Ghost, The Wedding Crasher Note : Ramana Maharshi explains the nature and behaviour of the Ego very clearly in this conversation. He gives lucid examples to make it easy to understand for the devotees. ~~~~~~~~ Mr. Ward Jackson: When we read about all this, we read it intellectually. But it is all […]
How to find the I
How to find the I Dr. Popatlal Lohara, a visitor, has studied several books including “Upadesa Sara” and visited several saints, sadhus and yogis, probably 1,500 as he puts their number. A sadhu in Trimbak has told him that he has still debts to pay which, if done, will enable him to have realization. His […]