Go the way you came On another occasion an Andhra youth came and said, “Swami having a great desire for moksha (deliverance) and anxious to know the way thereto, I have read all sorts of books on Vedanta. They all describe it, each in a different way. I have also visited a number of learned […]
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Category: Letters from Sri Ramanasramam
It is by the Grace of God that some great Devotees journaled the occurrences, conversations and worship that happened in the presence of Sri Ramana Maharshi. We are indeed fortunate to read about them. It will be immensely beneficial if we learn the teachings and practice them.
A Squirrel’s Tale
A Squirrel’s Tale Do you know how much liberty our brother squirrel has with Bhagavan? Two or three years back, there used to be one very active and mischievous fellow amongst the squirrels. One day it so happened that when he came for food, Bhagavan was reading and otherwise occupied and so delayed a […]