Talk with Ramana Maharshi (57) Talk 57. Spiritual Channels, Supernatural Powers, Granting Boons, Self-Realization Stages 23rd June, 1935 Sri Bhagavan said that sushumna is the name mostly mentioned in scriptures. Other names also occur; e.g., para, atma, amrita. It is also stated that sushumna becomes leena (merged in para). So it may be said that […]
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Category: Talks – Numerical Order
These are conversations that Ramana Maharshi had with visitors and they are presented here in numerical order. These Talks cover a wide range of Topics. They provide answers to questions and solutions to problems that one might encounter while dealing with worldly problems or spiritual progress. Each Talk is an Upanishad by itself.
Talks with Ramana Maharshi (55-56)
Talks with Ramana Maharshi (55-56) Talk 55-56. Who am I? Why was I born? How to realize the Self? June 18, 1935 Talk 55. D.: Can advaita be realized by japa of holy names; say Rama, Krishna, etc.? M.: Yes. D.: Is it not a means of an inferior order? M.: Have you been told […]
Talks with Ramana Maharshi (54)
Talks with Ramana Maharshi (54) Talk 54. Finding the Real Self, Thought Control, Effect of Environment, Breath Control Talk 54. Note: Sadhu means Sage, Brahman means Real Self, buddhi means intellect, aham means “I” An Andhra Pandit – an elderly gentleman – had some doubts regarding Kavyakantha’s exposition of Advaita. (He found discrepancies in some […]
Talks with Ramana Maharshi (53)
Talks with Ramana Maharshi (53) Talk 53. Who is this ‘I’? To whom is the doubt? June 15, 1935 Talk 53. A young man, Mr. Knowles, came for ‘darshan’, seeing Maharshi. He had read Paul Brunton’s two books. He asked: “The Buddhists say that ‘I’ is unreal, whereas Paul Brunton in the Secret Path tells […]
Talks with Ramana Maharshi (52)
Talks with Ramana Maharshi (52) Talk 52. Clear & Dull Mind, Soul after death, What is Meditation June 9, 1935 Talk 52. A man from Cocanada asked: “My mind remains clear for two or three days and turns dull for the next two or three days; and so it alternates. What is it due to?” […]
Talks with Ramana Maharshi (51)
Talks with Ramana Maharshi (51) Talks 51. Don’t seek divine powers, but Surrender to the Divine June 5, 1935 Talk 51. A young man (25 years of age) came on a visit to the Master. At Maharshi’s sight he became hysterical and shouted Sivoham, Aham Brahma Asmi, “You are God”, “You are Para Brahmam”. “You […]
Talks with Ramana Maharshi (47 – 50)
Talks with Ramana Maharshi (47 – 50) Talks 47 – 50. How To Know The “I” Talk 47. A Malayalee visitor expressed his concern for the misery of the world and his opinion that ‘Quest for Self’ looked selfish in the midst of such suffering environments. His solution appeared to be selfless work. M.: The […]
Talks with Ramana Maharshi (44 – 46)
Talks with Ramana Maharshi (44 – 46) Talks 44, 45, 46. Solitude, Mind, Concentration and Control, Real and False Talk 44. Mr. Ekanath Rao, an Engineer, asked Sri Bhagavan if solitude is necessary for Vichara. M.: There is solitude everywhere. The individual is solitary always. His business is to find it out within, and not […]
Talks with Ramana Maharshi (43)
Talks with Ramana Maharshi (43) Talk 43. How to get over afflictions; Mind Control; Real “I”, False “I” The following devotees visited the Asramam. They were Mr. S. Ranganathan, I.C.S., Collector of Vellore, Mr. S. V. Ramamurthi, I.C.S. and Mr. T. Raghaviah, late Diwan of Pudukottai State. Mr. Ranganathan asked, “Kindly instruct me as to […]
Talks with Ramana Maharshi (42)
Talks with Ramana Maharshi (42) Talk 42. How to get flashes of pure consciousness Mr. Duncan Greenlees, at Madanapalli, wrote as follows :- At times, one has had vivid flashes of a consciousness whose centre is outside the normal self and which seems to be inclusive. Without concerning the mind with philosophical concepts, how would […]
Talks with Ramana Maharshi (41)
Talks with Ramana Maharshi (41) Talk 41. Are there Heaven and Hell D: Are there heaven (swarga) and hell (naraka)? M: There must be someone to go there. They are like dreams. We see time and space exist in dream also. Which is true, dream or wakefulness? D: So we must rid ourselves of lust […]
Talks with Ramana Maharshi (34 – 40)
Talks with Ramana Maharshi (34 – 40) Talks 34 – 40. Self-Realization, Karma, Actions, Seeing the Dead ~~~~~~~~ February 4, 1935 ~~~~~~~~ Talk 34. A devotee, Yogi Ramaiya, shared his experiences that he had by following Maharshi’s teachings. Yogi Ramaiah said: Sitting in Maharshi’s presence brings peace of mind. I used to sit in samadhi […]