What is Guru’s Grace D.: What is Guru’s Grace? How does it work? M.: Guru is the Self. D.: How does it lead to self-realization? M.: Isvaro gururatmeti … (God is the same as Guru and Self …). A person
The Supreme will bear it all
The Supreme will bear it all God and the Guru are not really different; they are identical. He that has earned the Grace of the Guru shall undoubtedly be saved and never forsaken…But the disciple, for his part, should
Grace is always there
Grace is always there Mr. B. C. Das, the Physics Lecturer, asked: D.: Contemplation is possible only with control of mind and control can be accomplished only by contemplation. Is it not a vicious circle? M.: Yes, they are
Bait and Switch
Bait and Switch My dear Mind, When you become turbulent and self-conceited, you go by a fancy name called Ego. And when you are in this mode, I am really frustrated with you that you bait me about something at
Why we need Sri Ramana Maharshi
Why we need Sri Ramana Maharshi The Real Peaceful and Serene Being is One residing in all, the Path is One, all that needs to be done is to realize this and be happy. Easier said than done! The Ego
Muslim Visitors
Muslim visitors For the last few days a rule is in force by which the visitors are not allowed to enter the hall between 12 noon and 2-30 p.m. A few Muslim visitors came to the Asramam in the interval
Divine Grace is Essential for Meditation
Divine Grace is Essential for Meditation On one occasion, the evening was calm and cloudy. It was drizzling occasionally and somewhat cool in consequence. The windows of the Asramam Hall were closed and Maharshi was seated as usual on the sofa.
May Bhagavan give me strength of mind
May Bhagavan give me strength of mind The aristocratic lady again came after a few days, went straight to Bhagavan, saluted him and said: “I came last time with my husband and children. I was thinking of their food
Will Maharshi extend His Grace to me too ?
Will Maharshi extend His Grace to me too ? An aristocratic lady looking very intelligent, though pensive, asked: “We had heard of you, Maharajji, as the kindest and noblest soul. We had long desired to have your darsan. I came
Bhaja Govindam
Bhaja Govindam Bhaja Govindam was rendered extempore by Jagadguru Sri Adi Sankaracharya. The story behind this great work is this. Sri Adi Sankaracharya came across an old grammarian who was strenuously memorizing all the complex rules of Grammar, instead
How come you came to me, Bhagavan Ramana?
How come you came to me, Bhagavan Ramana? Bhagavan Ramana, I don’t understand. How come You came to me? Having offered Your Wonderful Grace to Great Devotees, Sadhus, Monks and even great Swami’s, Saints and Yogis, I cannot understand at