Who Am I ? (20 - 21) Liberation of the Soul
Who Am I? (22) Difference between waking and dream
Who Am I? (19) What is Non-Attachment

Who Am I ? (20 – 21) Liberation of the Soul

Who Am I ? (contd.)

Who Am I ? (20 – 21) Liberation of the Soul

20. Is it not possible for God and the Guru to effect the release of a soul?

God and the Guru will only show the way to release; they will not by themselves take the soul to the state of release. In truth, God and the Guru are not different. Just as the prey which has fallen into the jaws of a tiger has no escape, so those who have come within the ambit of the Guru’s gracious look will be saved by the Guru and will not get lost; yet, each one should by his own effort pursue the path shown by God or Guru and gain release (from bondage). One can know oneself only with one’s own eye of knowledge, and not with somebody else’s. Does he who is Rama require the help of a mirror to know that he is Rama?

21. Is it necessary for one who longs for release (from bondage) to inquire into the nature of categories (tattvas)?

Just as one who wants to throw away garbage has no need to analyse it and see what it is, so one who wants to know the Self has no need to count the number of categories or inquire into their characteristics; what he has to do is to reject altogether the categories that hide the Self. The world should be considered like a dream.

Who Am I?
Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi

Who Am I? (22) Difference between waking and dream
Who Am I? (19) What is Non-Attachment
Who Am I ? (20 – 21) Liberation of the Soul

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