Let go the passing thoughts
Be free from thoughts
Let the Train carry the Load

Let go the passing thoughts

M.: You must exist in order that you may think. You may think these thoughts or other thoughts. The thoughts change but not you. Let go the passing thoughts and hold on to the unchanging Self. The thoughts form your bondage. If they are given up, there is release. The bondage is not external. So no external remedy need be sought for release. It is within your competence to think and thus to get bound or to cease thinking and thus be free.
D.: But it is not easy to remain without thinking.
M.: You need not cease thinking. Only think of the root of the thoughts; seek it and find it. The Self shines by itself. When that is found the thoughts cease of their own accord. That is freedom from bondage.

Talk with Ramana Maharshi
2nd October, 1938
Talk 524.

Be free from thoughts
Let the Train carry the Load
Let go the passing thoughts
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