Perform Work with Detachment Excerpts from “Talks with Ramana Maharshi”. Talk 20. Mr. Evans-Wentz: Is solitude necessary for a Jnani? M.: Solitude is in the mind of man. One might be in the thick of the world and maintain serenity
How to perform work without doership
How to perform work without doership ~~~~~~~~ Talk 46. Mr. Ekanatha Rao: How can anyone reconcile such activity as self-enquiry with the wage-earning which is a necessity for worldly people? M.: Actions form no bondage. Bondage is only the false
Work not hindrance to Meditation
Work not hindrance to Meditation (Excerpts from Talks with Ramana Maharshi) ~~~~~~~~ Talk 17. D.: Is work an obstruction to Self-realisation? M.: No. For a realized being the Self alone is the Reality, and actions are only phenomenal, not affecting
Make no effort to work or to renounce work
Make no effort to work or to renounce work Dr. Syed: What is salvation? What did Christ mean by it? Maharshi: Salvation for whom? and from what? D.: Salvation for the individual and from the sorrows and sufferings of
Nishkama Karma (Selfless Work)
Nishkama Karma (Selfless Work) Mr. Rangachari, a Telugu Pandit in Voorhees’ College at Vellore, asked about nishkama karma. There was no reply. After a time Sri Bhagavan went up the hill and a few followed him, including the pandit. There
Let the Purpose Fulfill Itself
Picture at the top: God In Action. (Left to Right) Sri Madhavaswamy and Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi Let the Purpose Fulfill Itself D.: How is work to be done ordinarily for an aspirant? M.: Without self-identification with the actor. For
All actions will go on by themselves
All actions will go on by themselves D: Bhagavan said yesterday that while one is engaged in search of God ‘within’, ‘outer’ work would go on automatically. In the life of Sri Chaitanya it is said that during his lectures
Ramana Says: Turn inward while active in the world
Ramana Says: Turn inward while active in the world We don’t have to give up active living to turn inward. This is what the sages say. Sages tell us that we should live our lives in the world according
Give up my business for Vedanta?
Give up my business for Vedanta? Morning A visitor: Should I give up my business and take to reading books on Vedanta? Bhagavan: If the objects have an independent existence, i.e., if they exist anywhere apart from you, then it may