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Glossary 1

Glossary 1

Kaivalya Upanishad - Meaning in English
  • Isvara

    In ancient texts of Indian philosophy, Isvara means supreme soul, Brahman (Highest Reality). In medieval era texts, Isvara means God, Supreme Being, personal god, or special Self. In Saivism, Isvara is synonymous with "Shiva". Iswara
  • Isvaratva

    Omnipotence. The quality of having unlimited or very great power. Eg. "God's omnipotence". It is all-powerfulness, almightiness, supremacy, preeminence, supreme power, absolute power, unlimited power, invincibility.

  • Iswara

    In a general sense, Iswara or Eeswara means God. In a particular sense, it means Lord Shiva, the "Destroyer of Sorrows and one who provides Cosmic Balance".
    He is one of the Hindu Trinity, that includes Vishnu as the "preserver" and Brahma the "creator". Lord Shiva is identical to the formless metaphysical concept called Brahman, the Supreme.

Conversations with Ramana Maharshi are rare and priceless. He seldom wrote anything on his own accord. But out of His immense kindness and love, sometimes he answered questions from Devotees on Meditation, Devotion to God and Life. Reading them, contemplating on them and try to practice them are bound to offer great guidance to every true seeker of Real Happiness.

Sometimes Sri Ramana Maharshi used words in Sanskrit or devotional words and scriptural texts. This Glossary provides some insight into those.

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