Four Means of practice (sadhana chatushtaya), which include Six Virtues (shatsampat).

1. Discrimination (viveka):  Ability to discern the difference between the real and the unreal, permanent and the temporary, self and the not-self.
2. Non-attachment (vairagya): As a natural byproduct of discrimination, there is an decrease passions and material objects.
3. Six virtues (shat sampat): Six virtues to stabilize the mind and emotions for meditation.
1) Tranquility (shama): peace of mind or contentment.
2) Training (dama): Training of the senses.
3) Withdrawal (uparati): Inward turning away from the world.
4) Forbearance (titiksha): Forbearance and tolerance.
5) Faith (shraddha): An intense sense of certainty about one’s path.
6) Focus (samadhana): Concentration in the pursuance the goal.
4. Longing (mumukshutva): An intense longing or desire for enlightenment and liberation from misery.

Three stages of practice:
1) listening to the teachings (sravana),
2) reflecting on those teachings (manana), and
3) deep contemplative meditation on those principles (niddhidhyasana).

Sadhana Chatushtaya
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