Talks with Ramana Maharshi (25 B) What is this Mind B. V. Narasimha Swami, author of the book “Self-Realization” on Ramana Maharshi, continued to ask: D.: What is this mind? M.: Mind is one form of manifestation of life. A block
Mind does not sink into the Heart
Mind does not sink into the Heart Dr. Lohara: Why does the mind not sink into the Heart even while meditating? M.: A floating body does not readily sink unless some means are adopted for making it do so. Breath-control makes the
Ego is I-thought. True ‘I’ is the Self.
Ego is I-thought. True ‘I’ is the Self. In reply to Miss Leena Sarabhai, a cultured Indian lady of high rank, Sri Bhagavan said: The state of equanimity is the state of bliss. The declaration in the Vedas ‘I
Mind is not steady
Mind is not steady A gentleman from Mysore asked: D:. How is the mind to be kept in the right way? M.: By practice. Give it good thoughts. The mind must be trained in good ways. D.: But it
Gaining Steadiness in Meditation
Gaining Steadiness in Meditation D.: When an endeavour is made to lead the right life and to concentrate thought on the Self, there is often a downfall and break. What is to be done? M.: It will come all right in
If one goes on wanting…
If one goes on wanting… To an Andhra gentleman Sri Bhagavan said: If one goes on wanting, one’s wants cannot be fulfilled. Whereas if one remains desireless anything will be forthcoming. We are not in the wife, children, profession, etc.;
Bait and Switch
Bait and Switch My dear Mind, you bait and switch. When you become turbulent and self-conceited, you go by a fancy name called Ego. And when you are in this mode, I am really frustrated with you that you bait
Meditation: Get rid of thoughts
Meditation: Get rid of thoughts D.: Should I remain as if in sleep and be watchful at the same time? M.: Yes. Watchfulness is the waking state. Therefore the state will not be one of sleep, but sleepless sleep. If you
Bhaja Govindam
Bhaja Govindam Bhaja Govindam was rendered extempore by Jagadguru Sri Adi Sankaracharya. The story behind this great work is this. Sri Adi Sankaracharya came across an old grammarian who was strenuously memorizing all the complex rules of Grammar, instead
Methods for Quietening the Mind
Methods for Quietening the Mind For the subsidence of mind there is no other means more effective and adequate than Self-enquiry. Even though by other means the mind subsides, that is only apparently so; it will rise again. For
Be free from thoughts
Be free from thoughts Be free from thoughts M.: Be free from thoughts. Do not hold on to anything. They do not hold you. Be yourself. Talk with Ramana Maharshi Talk 472. 15th March, 1938
Let go the passing thoughts
Let go the passing thoughts and hold on to the Unchanging Self Another pilgrim asked: I am a man with a family. Is it possible for those in a family to get release (from bondage), and if so how? M.: