Let go the passing thoughts and hold on to the Unchanging Self Another pilgrim asked: I am a man with a family. Is it possible for those in a family to get release (from bondage), and if so how? M.:
How to quieten the Mind ?
How to quieten the Mind ? The first and foremost of all the thoughts that arise in the mind is the primal ‘I’-thought. It is only after the rise or origin of the ‘I’-thought that innumerable other thoughts arise. In
What is the Mind ?
Sri Ramana Maharshi Words of Grace Who am I ? What is the Mind If the mind, which is the instrument of knowledge and is the basis of all activity, subsides, the perception of the world as an objective reality
Mind is Turbulent, how to control ?
Mind is Turbulent like a storm, how to control such a mind? In a conversation with an Andhra visitor, Sri Bhagavan quoted: Asamsayam mahabaho mano durnigraham chalam Abhyasena tu kaunteya vairagyena cha grihyate Bhagavad Gita, Ch. VI, 35 Without doubt,
Practice and Dispassion succeed gradually
Practice and Dispassion succeed only gradually Mr. B. C. Das asked why the mind cannot be turned inward in spite of repeated attempts. M.: It is done by practice and dispassion and that succeeds only gradually. The mind, having been