Stomach or Prana ? Who is the culprit ?
Nishkama Karma (Selfless Work)
Bhagavan and the mischievous boy

Stomach or Prana ? Who is the culprit ?

There is a Tamil stanza by Avvai. It is an address of the prana1 to the stomach; its meaning is:

“O stomach! How difficult it is to get on with you! You cannot starve when no food is available, nor can you take more and keep it in reserve when food is plenty! You will take only what you want and when you want; thus you are troublesome to me, allowing me no rest.”

Sri Bhagavan altered it thus:

Stomach addressing the prana: “O Prana! How troublesome you are to me! You never allow me to rest but continue loading me with food off and on. It is so difficult to get on with you.”

Saying it Sri Bhagavan laughed. Sri Bhagavan often says that He is made to eat more than is good for Him.

1 Prana : Breath, life-giving force

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
21st April, 1937
Talk 415.

Nishkama Karma (Selfless Work)
Bhagavan and the mischievous boy
Stomach or Prana ? Who is the culprit ?
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