Bhagavan and the mischievous boy
Stomach or Prana ? Who is the culprit ?
God plays tricks too ?

Bhagavan and mischievous boy

A middle-aged man prostrated himself before Sri Bhagavan, who asked him about his well-being. After a few minutes Sri Bhagavan recalled an incident saying that this was the only person whom Sri Bhagavan had slapped; it happened about 30 years earlier.

Sri Bhagavan was living in Mulaippal Tirtha. There was a Jada Swami living in the neighbourhood (Mamarathu Guhai). This man, who was then about 8 years of age, used to play pranks with all, including Sri Bhagavan.

One day he went to Maharshi and said that Jada Swami wanted a bucket. Without waiting for permission, he took away the bucket. Palani Swami the attendant, was not there. So Sri Bhagavan followed the boy to Jada Swami’s place. Before Bhagavan reached the place the boy had told the other that Brahmanaswami had sent him a bucket.

Jada Swami was wondering why! In a few minutes Maharshi reached the place and learnt what had passed. So he raised His hand to give a slap to the boy but the mind would not yield to slapping. But He argued within Himself and determined that the urchin should be slapped and so he did it.

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
21st April, 1937
Talk 409.

Stomach or Prana ? Who is the culprit ?
God plays tricks too ?
Bhagavan and the mischievous boy
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