Stomach or Prana ? Who is the culprit ? There is a Tamil stanza by Avvai. It is an address of the prana1 to the stomach; its meaning is: “O stomach! How difficult it is to get on with you!
Bhagavan and the mischievous boy
Bhagavan and mischievous boy A middle-aged man prostrated himself before Sri Bhagavan, who asked him about his well-being. After a few minutes Sri Bhagavan recalled an incident saying that this was the only person whom Sri Bhagavan had slapped; it
God plays tricks too ?
God plays tricks too ? Sri Bhagavan shows great humour at times: He read Upamanya Bhakta Vilas which contains a passage where Arunachalesvara is said to have robbed Tirujnana Sambandar and his group of followers of all their possessions
Abhishekam ?
Abhishekam ? Once on a cold day Sri Bhagavan was sitting in a cave on the hill with His hands folded on the breast as a protection against the cold. Some visitor had come; he broke a coconut and poured