Ramana Says: Turn inward while active in the world
We don’t have to give up active living to turn inward. This is what the sages say.
Sages tell us that we should live our lives in the world according to our nature and “Dharma” which here means “duty”. Everyone has a purpose for being here and the purpose will be fulfilled whether you will it or not.
Mr. M. Oliver Lacombe, a Frenchman asked Sri Ramana Maharshi:
“D: “How is work to be done ordinarily for an aspirant?.
M: Without self-identification with the actor. For instance, did you intend visiting this place while in Paris?
D: No!
R: You see how you are acting without your intention to do so? The Gita says that a man cannot remain without acting. The purpose of one’s birth will be fulfilled whether you will it or not. Let the purpose fulfil itself.”
The Great Ones say, you are an actor playing a part due to desires and attachments. Act to the best of your ability using the talents and skills that you have. But don’t get carried away and get deeper and deeper into the mire of delusion and attachments and desires. Understand that your basic need is to be Happy, which is your Real Nature. You have just digressed from it temporarily. Get back to it slowly and gradually. Swami Dayananda in one of his discourses gave an example. He said, to identify too much with our activities and the world, is like an actor who refuses to give up his role and his costumes even after the play is over and continues to play the actor in his life too! Great example.
The point is, Sages only tell you to lead your life happily, but wisely. Even in ordinary life, this is what everyone says! Only some people don’t know how to do it. So the Sages are sought. When someone wanted to go to a cave to meditate, Sri Ramana Maharshi said, “Solitude is in the mind of man. One might be in the thick of the world and maintain serenity of mind; such a one is in solitude. Another may stay in a forest, but still be unable to control his mind. He cannot be said to be in solitude. Solitude is a function of the mind. A man attached to desire cannot get solitude wherever he may be; a detached man is always in solitude.”
So Ramana says that we can live an active and happy life while turning inward and learning how to handle problems and acquire peace of mind. I call the little time I try to quieten my mind, “My Happy Hour”! I also call it, “charging my batteries” to prepare for the rest of the day! We should try to ponder over His words, practice His teachings and and gain Peace of Mind.
Inward Living is Virtuous Living