Being active while Remaining desireless
The following about Being active while Remaining desireless, is taken from the diary of Annamalai Swami, a good devotee of Sri Bhagavan and resident of Sri Ramanasramam.
The Teachings of Sri Ramana Bhagavan
(1) That man who is active in the world and yet remains desireless, without losing sight of his own essential nature, is alone a true man.
The above was in answer to the Swami who wanted to retire into a cave for practising meditation.
(2) He asked about sannyas. Should not a man renounce everything in order that he might get Liberation?
M.: Even better than the man who thinks “I have renounced everything” is the one who does his duty but does not think “I do this” or “I am the doer”. Even a sannyasi who thinks “I am a sannyasi” cannot be a true sannyasi, whereas a householder who does not think “I am a householder” is truly a sannyasi.
Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
15th October, 1938
Talk 530