Ramana Gita – Chapter 1 – Importance of Self-Abidance
Sri Ramana Gita – Chapter 1
Ganapati Muni:
Verse 1: Offering my salutations to Maharshi Ramana, Kartikeya (God) in human form, I present His teachings in this lucid work.
Verses 2 and 3: In the cold season, on 29th December, 1913 of the Christian era, when all disciples sat around with focussed mind, I asked Him, Bhagavan Maharshi, for definite conclusions.
Verse 4: Will the discrimination between the “Real” and the “Unreal” itself be enough to liberate? Or is there any other spiritual practice for it?
Verse 5: For seekers of truth, is the critical study of the scriptures alone enough for liberation? Or is spiritual practice in accordance with Guru’s guidance also necessary?
Verse 6: How does a person of “steady knowledge” know that he is one such? Is it because of the awareness of the fullness of his knowledge? Or is it because of cessation of objective awareness?
Verse 7:
a) By what hallmark do the learned recognize the Knower?
b) Does Samadhi, the conscious absorption of the mind in the Heart, result only in knowledge, or does it also fulfill desires?
Verse 8: If one practising yoga (spiritual practices) for fulfilling a desire becomes a steadfast knower of the Self, will that desire be fulfilled anyway, or not?
Verse 9: After hearing my questions, my Guru – the repository of mercy, Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, dispeller of doubts – replied thus.
Sri Ramana Maharshi:
Verse 10: Self-abidance alone can release one from all bondage. However, the discrimination between the “Real” and the “Unreal” leads to distaste for the transient.
Verse 11: The profound Jnani is always rooted in the Self alone. He does not think of the universe as “Unreal” nor does he see it as apart from Himself.
Verse 12: There is no doubt that mere critical study of scriptures cannot liberate the one seeking the Truth. Without “Upasana” – spiritual practice – there cannot be attainment of Self-Realization. This is certain.
Verse 13: Experience of the natural state during spiritual practice is called “Upasana” (Worship or Spiritual Practice). When that itself is unwaveringly attained, it is called “Knowledge”.
Verse 14: One’s abidance in one’s own nature as a flame of knowledge, after completely discarding sense objects, is termed the “natural state”.
Verse 15: In the firm natural state, through the silence of the mind that is free of all tendencies, the knower knows himself as such, without any doubt.
Verse 16: Let one know that he is the Knower, by his hallmark of equality for all creation.
Verse 17: Even though the practice of absorption of the mind in the Heart is begun for fulfilling a desire, along with the absorption of the mind, that desire also will certainly be fruitful.
Verse 18: While practising yoga (spiritual practices) with a desire, if one becomes a person of steady wisdom, even though the desire is fulfilled, there would be no elation.
Sri Ramana Gita
Recorded in Sanskrit by Sri Ganapati Muni in the model of Bhagavad~Gita.
Questions by: Great Disciples of Sri Ramana Maharshi Between the years 1913 and 1917
Commentary in Sanskrit : Sri Kapali Sastriar
Translation in English : Sri A. Natarajan