Ramana Maharshi Quote 70
Talks with Ramana Maharshi
Talk 63
In sleep there was no world, no ego (no limited self), and no trouble. Something wakes up from that happy state and says ‘I’. To that ego the world appears. Being a speck in the world a man wants more and gets into trouble.
How happy he was before the rising of the ego! Only the rise of the ego is the cause of the present trouble. Let him trace the ego to its source and he will reach that undifferentiated happy state which is sleepless sleep.
The Self remains ever the same, here and now. There is nothing more to be gained. Because the limitations have wrongly been assumed there is the need to transcend them.
Ramana Maharshi Quote 70
Its very happy time and my rest of life to be attached with bhagwan Ramana Maharishi ji quotes going through it make all under stand the meaning of life jaisachidanandRa
Thank you, Namaste! 🕉=mc2, 👣❤🐾Lori