
“Ramana Maharshi Guidance” is the name of my YouTube Channel I started a while ago. It contains the in-depth Teachings and Guidance of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi as well as information about Him. Both Knowledge and Methods for Practice given out by the Maharshi are provided here.

Please click on the Links below in red to access these resources.

~ Vasundhara


YouTube (English):

Vasundhara’s “Ramana Maharshi Guidance” Channel

YouTube Playlists


YouTube (Other Languages):

Apart from English, I have “Ramana Maharshi Guidance” YouTube Channels in other languages as well. Please click on the Link below in red to access these resources.


YouTube (Tamil):

“Ramana Maharshi Guidance” Channel in Tamil

YouTube Playlists in Tamil


YouTube (Hindi):

“Ramana Maharshi Guidance” Channel in Hindi


YouTube (Spanish):

“Ramana Maharshi Guidance” Channel in Spanish


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