Arunachala Hill


Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi … Being…Consciousness…Bliss. SAT-CHIT-ANANDA. Even Beyond… He is THE SUPREME REALITY.

This website humbly presents the Teachings and Guidance of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, God appearing in Divine Human Form to Guide a Sincere Seeker of Eternal Life and Hapiness. 

Ramana’s Words are healing, loving and enlightening.  They are a great guidance for MEDITATION AND LIFE. One who has come under Ramana Maharshi’s influence finds CALM AND PEACEFULNESS appearing automatically. 

Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi is a Mysterior Guiding Power, the  Almighty God, The Supreme Reality.

With Deep Devotion, Great Reverence and Immense Gratitude to Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi,

I offer my Namaskarams again and again to Him.




VIDEOS (in English, Tamil, Hindi and Spanish) ARE CONSTANTLY BEING ADDED. Please CLICK on the VIDEOS on the TOP MENU, OR EACH SUBMENU UNDER VIDEOS, to take you to YOUTUBE directly. Thank You!



Ramana Maharshi Quote 96





Ramana Maharshi Quote 94


Mount Everest
Mount Everest


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